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- Rimage Disc Systems: Mission-critical, network-attached CD/DVD/BD disc and USB publishing systems, designed for performance and dependability in production environments
- Producer 8300N
- Producer 8300 – No internal PC
- Rimage Catalyst 6000N
- Rimage Catalyst 6000 – No internal PC
- Rimage 2450
- Allegro 100
- Allegro 20
- Rimage USB Systems
- RX400 Central
- RX400 Medical
- Maestro USB System – The first ever automated USB publishing system
- Rimage Printers
- Rimage Supplies and Media
- Rimage Service
- G-Stor RAID systems are self-contained RAID solutions

GTGI Software
- Amazon Web Services – GTGI is an AWS partner
- ZDAM, a best of breed DAM built on a new architecture creating smart assets that carry their rich metadata with them even when delivered outside the DAM environment.
- GDAMS, or Global Digital Asset Management System, is a bundle of workflow products and services designed to help organizations meet all of their workflow needs.
- SecureDisc – Rimage Edition: Provides seamless integration with the Rimage production software suite (RSS) to secure the contents of any DVD or CD using a password. SDR makes it simple to integrate encryption into an existing workflow by automatically encrypting the image data for each disc as part of the automated production process.
- GMS: Global Messaging System is an affordable email and SMS notification solution that sends automated and manual notifications
- Aspera is an advanced software solution for file transfer, synchronization and streaming of digital assets, allowing users and enterprises secure high speed movement of all of their data over any distance, to any environment, with none of the waiting.
- GFTM: Global File Transfer Manager is a GTGI developed middleware solution to automate file transfers and routing between systems. This all-in file transfer automation system manages high-volume email, Google Drive, DropBox, IBM Watson, AWS S3, Azure Blob, Aspera and FTP transfers
- AutoDisc automatically produces discs from folders or a detailed XML file. Used with any Rimage Disc Publishing system, AutoDisc automatically burns the contents of a folder or set of folders to a CD or DVD when the directory’s contents reach a predetermined size, when a special “trigger” file is present, or when a detailed XML file is sent into its queue.
- Digital Warehouse is a highly customizable product management, production, and delivery tool for content owners.
- File Splitter splits large video files into chunks of a configurable size, and then sends each chunk as an email attachment to a specified address
- Global Workflow Automation Platform (in development) is an expandable production software platform that can perform an array of automated tasks, including controlling multiple output devices with high grade encryption and integration to third-party databases.